NYC Murder Mysteries

NYC Murder Mystery Dinner Show and Game Reviews

Hey there! I’m Claire and I’m an extroverted 20-something living in the most amazing city in the world! That’s right; NYC is my playground and I’m doing my best to live each day to the fullest! Join me in my obsession with murder mysteries, plus I’ll blog about other awesome stuff like my family and the best food on earth: tacos!

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Flowers from My Dad!

So I was almost brought to (happy) tears today when I got home from work and saw that flowers had been delivered to my apartment from my dad! Even though we all live in the city and see each other pretty regularly, sometimes I really miss my family. I’m on my own, and I get a little lonely sometimes, especially…Continue Reading

Round Five: Murdered by the Mob

The final stop on our NYC murder mystery tour is Murdered by the Mob, which is advertised as an off-Broadway murder mystery show, complete with a three course dinner and dancing. Sadly, Mackenzie couldn’t make it to the final round, so it was just Jeremy and I experiencing this one!

We went online to purchase tickets and chose to get $99 general admission. The VIP tickets come with reserved VIP seating, but we decided to stick with the cheaper option because let's be honest, even the cheaper option isn’t cheap… especially when they slap on a $15 service fee when you purchase them. In my mind…Continue Reading

Playing with Murder - Murder in Manhattan game

A couple of nights a year a huge group of our friends gets together, and we either go out bar hopping or we go over to somebody’s apartment and hang out all night. This time around, Jeremy and I decided to host everyone at Jer’s apartment and play Murder in Manhattan from the company Playing with Murder! We figured the Murder in Manhattan theme would be perfect for our own NYC murder…Continue Reading

Round Four: The Murder Mystery Company

For our fourth NYC murder mystery adventure, Mackenzie and I took on The Murder Mystery Company. Spoiler alert: we were super impressed.

We did some research and learned that they often host coupon codes on their own website, unlike any of the NYC murder mystery shows we’ve gone to so far. We were able to snatch up our tickets for half price (!!!) thanks to a handy dandy popup message when we went to buy our tickets. We were sent a confirmation email…Continue Reading