About Claire at NYC Murder Mysteries

I’m Claire and I’m just your average girl on a mission to live my life as awesomely as possible! I’m pretty blessed to be living in NYC and have the most wonderful family, boyfriend, and friends a girl could ask for!

Nude Selfie

I work an office job in hopes of saving up to travel the world someday, but for now, the best part of my life is finding new adventures and amazing places in my city. It’s strange how often we forget how exciting our hometowns may be because we’re all so focused on going somewhere, anywhere other than where we are. Sometimes the best adventures can be found right in our everyday lives! That said, I still want to travel the globe because there’s so much out there to see!

A few of my favorites: tacos, my boyfriend Jeremy (or Jer, as I often call him), exploring, all things British, murder mysteries (did you know there are some really awesome NYC murder mystery dinners?!), baseball, my partner-in-crime Mackenzie, and reading crime fiction and mystery novels, though I rarely get the chance to relax with a good book!

I started writing this to share all the awesome things that happen in my life and to showcase some of my favorite people, places, and things! You’re gonna read a whole lot about my adventures with murder mysteries here in NYC, so get ready to become as obsessed with them as I am! They’re so fun, and so underappreciated! But fear not; if it’s not your thing (but honestly, it should be!) there will be plenty of other stuff on this little blog of mine!

So stay a while, take a look around my blog, and I hope you like what you see!